Hello Publii developers!
I just tried out prerelease 4 and I have to say that I really like the new interface! Great idea to remove the top bar and only use the left menu! The interface looks even more clean now!
- Yeah, the plus sign in the block editor works now!
- And now I also see the text labels when I hover over the icons!
- The button Save Settings in the App Settings works!
- I do understand now that I have to click twice on the trash icon to remove a block (thanks to the text label ‘Click to confirm’).
- The button Install theme now works as expected (the file manager is opened)!
- WYSIWYG-editor: Adding images to the image gallery does work!
- WYSIWYG-editor: Great that I can align images to the right now!
- Block editor: It’s not yet possible to add a video I guess?
Unknown: I haven’t tried changing the sites location because I’m currently developing a website with Publii.
Bug (?): when I link to an image with the option ‘File from File Manager’ the following address is generated which I can’t open: file:///var/home/[home directory]/Documents/Publii/sites/prerelease-4/preview/preview.html#INTERNAL_LINK#/file/DSCN4056.JPG. (my home directory is in the directory /var/home/ because I use Fedora Silverblue which uses OStree)
Questions, a (small?) feature request and general comments
Question: when I come across a bug in the coming weeks; what is the preferred way of reporting the bug? Here on the forum or on Github?
Feature request: you probably already have many feature request but I would like to add a, hopefully small, one: could you add the possibility to add a WYSIWYG field to the Post settings (postConfig array)? This way I can create an extra block on a page which an user can edit (!).
General comment: let me know when it’s possible to translate the interface of Publii to another language! When this is possible I would like to volunteer in translating the interface to Dutch!
General comment: Publii is build on the server technology node.js. Is it possible to run Publii on a server?
Thanks for this great content management system for static websites!