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Better drag’n’drop for galleries

  • #5881
    Avatar photo[anonymous]

    I’m creating a website for a famouos photographer. She has photogalleries with hundreds of pictures and is quite picky regarding the placement of the pictures.

    I found it quite tedious to move pictures up and down the gallery. Often I just have to resort to opening the HTML and copy-pasting pictures up and down because it just takes too long to move a picture 100 places up.

    It would be really cool if the editor could provide a easy to use drag’n’drop interface for laying out the photo galleries. I think this would definitely be a great improvement to Publii.

    For your consideration πŸ™‚

    Avatar photo[anonymous]

    Hi Mathias,

    Do you know that you can use drag’n’drop in the gallery popup? πŸ™‚ Just hover the thumbnail – the move icon will appear πŸ™‚

    Avatar photo[anonymous]

    Oops, I feel STUPID now πŸ™‚ This sure helps a lot!

    Perhaps an option for a real grid layout could make it even more user friendly for extremely big photo galleries, but up to you πŸ™‚ Maybe you have other priorities.