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Cannot restore publii on new device – uncaught exception

  • #7522
    Avatar photo[anonymous]

    I’m getting the below error when trying to install publii on a new machine. Any advice appreciated.

    I’m running Windows 10.

    “A javascript error occured in the main process.

    Uncaught Exception:

    Error: Failed to get ‘documents’ path at new App

    (C:\Users\MYUSER\AppData\Local\Programs\Publii\resources\app.asar\back-end\app.js:48:.. at App.<anonymous>
    (C:\Users\MYUSER\AppData\Local\Programs\Publii\resources\app.asar\main.js:37:19) at App.emit (node:events:390:28) at App.emit (node:domain:475:12)”

    Avatar photo[anonymous]


    Maybe you have some issue with your computer configuration? It seems that Electron native function getPath is unable to find “My documents” directory.