I have two questions.
First question: I really like Publii and would love to migrate to it. In order to do that I am building a custom theme. As part of that, I want separate formats for the home, about me, and contacts page. But it seems all of them are treated as posts and the general post format is applied to all of them. Is there a way I can apply separate page formats for all three different areas?
Second Question: Instead of building a theme, I am willing to purchase a pre-built theme as well. But it seems to me all the existing themes are built towards large organizations with multiple writers. Whereas my site is a small blog site with a single author. So, I really do not want to see a list of posts under author. That simply needs to show author information. For reference, my current site is https://sajaldebnath.com . In line with this, can you please suggest a theme that will be close to it or can be customized to match it? I like the “EasyBlog Theme”, but it has too many components that I do not need.
Thank you so much for your time and effort.