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Error at sync website – get stuck – Channel closed error

  • #4744
    Avatar photo[anonymous]

    I start to sync my website using ftp.

    Its works until yesterday, no chanhe on software since then.

    Start sync

    Connecto to website

    Sync file, and then get stuck.

    I cancel and get the following message

    A JavaScript error occurred in the main process

    Uncaught Exception:
    Error [ERR_IPC_CHANNEL_ CLOSED}: Channel closed
    at (interal/child_process,js:651:16)

    at EventEmitter.<anonymous> (C:\Program

    at EventEmitter.emit (events,s:194:13)

    at EventEmitter.emit (domain js:469:20)

    at WebContents.<anonymous> (C:\Program

    at WebContents.emit (events,s:194:13)

    at WebContents.EventEmitter.emit (domain s:469:20)

    at WebContents.topLevelDomainCallback (demain,js124:23)

    Avatar photo[anonymous]


    Could you try again? Are you still able to reproduce this issue?

    Maybe it was a temporary issue with your hosting?

    Sometimes it also can be some firewall on the router (we have some reports about such issues).

    Avatar photo[anonymous]

    Solved. It was just a moment. Sorry and thank you.