I am trying to use…
{{#checkIf template '==' "MYTEMPLATE"}}
…but am not sure what value to use.
Cuurently, I have one head partial per post index, author, post, tag as index-head.hbs, author-head.hbs, and so on.
I am trying to create a single head.hbs where I can sense which template I am using and changing the contents within a div tag.
I have tried post, post-head, post.hbs, post-head.hbs as examples.
None of these seem to work.
I also see…
and within a…
{{#post}} {{/post}
… returns nothing. I used this to try and figure out what value I should use in the checkIf example.
No such luck-
Are there any clues as to what should replace MYTEMPLATE to sense if the template is index, post, author, or tag?