Is it possible to exclude a tag in a list of tags based on the tag id similar to what we get using
<pre class=”hljs cs”>`{{#getPostByTags 1 “3,4”}}`
`{{#getTags 1 “3,4” “
Context is I have two tags tag3 and tag4 and a another tag tag1 (and is used only for a single post),
but tags 3 and 4 are major tags which is widely used in posts. So, I want to hide tag1 from the Tags list on a page/index.html
(the same way we include/exclude tag in Menu from UI of the app).“
This case is similar to wordpress where the cms treats <b>categories</b> as general labels, while <b>tags</b> are more specific (describe your posts in more detail). So one can hide tags but still show categories in the Menu or in the Sidebar.
One way is to show only specific tags based on tag ids, but it would be more efficient if I can exclude the target tags because my exclusion list is very small in number. And moreover, whenever I will create a new tag, i need to include in the code everytime.
Is it possible ?