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Existing blog on Netlify

  • #3184
    Avatar photo[anonymous]

    Hey, guys, I hope everyone’s okay here.

    First of all I want to thank the creators of this wonderful software, keep up the good work.

    I’ll tell them. I currently have a blog created with Jekyll and running on Netlify with continuous implementation and I am not very clear on how to make the transition without affecting the availability of it.

    Someone could give me some guidance.

    Avatar photoBob

    What exactly do you mean by “without affecting the availability”

    Avatar photo[anonymous]

    What I meant was, without the site going offline, maybe this won’t happen.

    What I am not clear about are the steps I need to follow to replace my current blog implementation in Netlify.

    1- Use the API ID and generate a personal access token of the current implementation.


    2- Delete the current implementation and create a new one as detailed in the documentation

    Avatar photoBob

    First create your site in Publii, when it is ready, just provide the “server” details, that’s it.  If you use the same “netlify site”, your existing files will be replaced with new ones. Therefore, it will be safer when you create a new “netlify site”.

    Avatar photo[anonymous]

    Perfect Bob, thank you very much.