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Extension of theme bundle

  • #11283
    Avatar photo[anonymous]

    Hello Puplii team,
    We bought the theme bundle in November 2022, which gave us access to files and updates for 12 months. When we update this bundle, we will then receive the
    “preferential conditions (50%) for the limited period of 60 days from the expiry of access to files/updates.” – i.e. 60 days from November 2023)? According to the description, this would still be possible now. Or have I misunderstood. I would be pleased to receive an answer.
    Best regards

    Reinhard Jungwirth

    Avatar photoBob


    You’re correct. Once your access to the files has expired, you’ll receive an email with a 50% discount offer. This offer will be valid for 60 days from the receipt date. If for some reason you did not receive this email, please contact us at:  sales [@]