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Files to process when rendering site

  • #9612
    Avatar photo[anonymous]

    I know that the config.json contains a list of files to process when processing a site for rendering and each of the specific files can be enabled or disabled (for example the search page will not be generated when the option is set to false in the config.json file).

    I am wondering if:

    1. Adding a random file name to the list will cause the file to be processed if it exists (I am guessing “No”).
    2. If the authors of Publii have considered a process to hook in generation of random files that might use data from the theme config that are not standard.  For instance I want a Contact.html file to be part of my theme, but I want it to have some special features that would not be easily built in the Post editor (such as a form and/or google maps integration).


    Avatar photoBob

    You can hide a post from the post list by marking it as hidden and assigning a custom post template with your HTML code.

    Avatar photo[anonymous]

    Thanks Bob.  I have done that with an About Us page.  It works really well.  My question regards more complex pages that would be supplied with a theme that are not part of the default Publii set of pages but are rendered by the Publii engine using config variables.  I see this being useful for a Contact us page that is built as an hbs file and uses information the page owner provided in the theme configuration.  Such as form fields to include, form action (if required), Address information and whether to include google maps integration.