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[Handlebar] if value then…

  • #9254
    Avatar photo[anonymous]
    Goal: Output the last 3 posts of a keyword. Depending on the post, a different value should be output in the template (other css classes).
    Is there an easy way to do this? 
    Alternatively, I could repeat the code in the template and output only one entry at a time (with offset). But that would not be a nice solution.
    Thanks a lot!
    {{#getPostsByTags "count=3&tag_as=id&tags=1&offset=0&orderby=createdAt&ordering=desc"}}
    {{if @index = 0}}
    {if @index = 1}}
    {if @index = 2}}
    Avatar photoBob
    [anonymous] wrote:

    Output the last 3 posts of a keyword. Depending on the post, a different value should be output in the template (other css classes).

    Are you talking about three post pages or a list of three posts?

    Avatar photo[anonymous]

    A list of three entries on a page (home page). a preview (title, excerpt, image) or overview.

    Exact description of what I want to do. In the template the entries are to be faded in one after the other with a time delay to create a kind of small animation. For this the “delay” must be entered in the template.

    Entry 1: x-transition.duration.800ms.delay.200ms
    Entry 2: x-transition.duration.800ms.delay.600ms
    Entry 3: x-transition.duration.800ms.delay.1000ms

    Avatar photoBob

    A’ight, use the match helper

    e.g. the code below will generate the following CSS classes: delay-1, delay-2, delay-3….

    {{#each posts}}
       <article class="feed__item delay-{{math @index '+' 1}}" >
    Avatar photo[anonymous]

    Thank you very much! So it worked well for my case.

    Because I didn’t want to set a class, some code or a number, I had to go a workaround.

    {{#if @index}}
                                    {{#if @last}}
                                        x-transition.duration.800ms.delay.{{math @index '*' 1000}}ms
                                        x-transition.duration.800ms.delay.{{math @index '*' 600}}ms
    Avatar photo[anonymous]
    I have just seen that it is much easier with the {{#checkIf}} helper:
    {{#checkIf @index '==' 0}}
    {{#checkIf @index '==' 1}}
    {{#checkIf @index '==' 2}}