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hiding post title

  • #420
    Avatar photo[anonymous]

    i dont want the post title to be displayed, is it possible somehow ?

    thanks in advance

    Avatar photoBob


    There is no other way than to modify the theme source files.

    To preserve the custom code changed from being overwritten the next time your theme is updated, please make sure you have created override files, which are essentially copies of the existing theme files and are stored separately →

    Avatar photo[anonymous]

    can you point me to the relevant code , bob, where exactly is it located ?

    and yes, i understood that copies are important, thanks for explaining

    for the future , the option “hiding title” could be implemented in publii ?

    Avatar photoBob

    I’m not sure where exactly you want to hide the post title, but all the theme files are: Documents ▸ ⁨Publii⁩ ▸ ⁨sites⁩ ▸ ⁨YOUR_SITE ▸ ⁨input⁩ ▸ ⁨themes⁩ ▸ ⁨YOUR_THEME

    I do not plan to add this option since it will have a bad impact on SEO.

    Avatar photo[anonymous]

    with seo you are right of course !
    the post title was just colliding with the hero section on my page
    but i already found the responding code line and modified the font size, thanks for helping again