There are different ways to extend the Documentation theme to get the result you want.
In the default free Documentation theme, looks like they allow for one footer menu in one column. Looks like you want 4 footer menus in 4 columns.
To make the chance, one approach that I would probably consider is, if you’re into coding (Handlebars, HTML, CSS), maybe study how GetPubli.com have done something similar at: https://getpublii.com/dev/
There are other, similar approaches in additional Publii themes too, including:
Lignes: https://marketplace.getpublii.com/themes/lignes/
Splitian: https://demo.getpublii.eu/themes/splitian/
Sources: https://demo.getpublii.eu/themes/sources/1/page/2/
So if you could mimic creating multiple footer menus in 4 columns, you would achieve your goal and still keep your Documentation theme responsive for both desktop and mobile viewing.
To preserve your changes when you update Publii and / or the default Documentation theme, you would probably want to do theme overrides: https://getpublii.com/dev/theme-overrides/
The above is the slower route but great for learning more about how to customise your theme further.
One quicker solution might be to check whether GetPublii.com can do the change for you: https://getpublii.com/customization-service/