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How to call featured image url at a specific size

  • #2154
    Avatar photo[anonymous]

    I’m trying to use a specific size of the feature image in the top of the page, rather than the original one. I found this in the dev section in support,

    {{urlDIMENSION_NAME}} – URL of the resized version (specified by DIMENSION_NAME variable e.g. urlLarge)

    but I can’t get it to work. I’ve tried urlLarge, urllg and url-lg.

    Anyone got idea what I’m doing wrong?


    Avatar photoBob


    Firstly, look into the confing.json and check the available thumbnails sizes in the “files” section; then use it as follow: {{urlXs}} where the dimension variable starts with a capital letter.

    Avatar photo[anonymous]

    Thanks for the quick reply.
