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How to use %posttitle, %sitename, %authorname in the meta description?

  • #2293
    Avatar photo[anonymous]

    How to use %posttitle, %sitename, %authorname in the meta description?

    Is it possible? If not, could it be implemented in the next updates?

    Avatar photoBob

    These variables do not work for description fields.

    Avatar photo[anonymous]

    So if I complete something here, all the pages of my site will have the exact same description?

    That is totally detrimental to SEO

    Hundreds of pages with the same meta description …

    Avatar photoBob
    -index- wrote:

    That is totally detrimental to SEO

    eh…. the post meta description is generated automatically from the post body; also you can create your own via SEO option (right sidebar)


    Avatar photo[anonymous]

    Yes, I had found that …

    So, I will leave as a suggestion, for future updates, to include% posttitle,% sitename,% authorname in the “meta descriptions”

    In this way, different meta descriptions can be generated, or else delete the “description” field (Marked with the arrow in the attached image) because if used it would generate many repeated meta descriptions, something very negative for the SEO of the page.

    Thank you.