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Is there a way to add CSS to specific heading?

  • #10843
    Avatar photo[anonymous]

    I am trying to create a post as a custom landing page. It will be the home page of my blog. But I want a different title/heading from what appears in the posts. Anything added to CSS code is changing the appearance sitewide. Is there a way to apply custom CSS to just this one post? Maybe I’ll hide the heading altogether. But how to do that for just this page?

    Avatar photo[anonymous]

    I can’t find a specific CSS class for a post selected as home page either.

    My first thought is to create an override for your `frontpage-post.hbs` and then you can edit it however you like.

    Avatar photo[anonymous]

    Thanks. I guess it’s time to get myself dirty with code. I haven’t tried to mess with the Publii files yet.

    Still, let me know if you come across an easier way. Will tinker in the meantime and see what I can do.