Sorry, I just have a German link on the issue:
The LG Munich court that embedding Google Fonts in your website through CDNs (as well as any other content through CDNs hosted in the US) is subject to user consent. So if a user accesses your website he needs to be informed similar to the cookie banner and possibly must be able to opt-out. The issue is that with the request to the Google Fonts CDN the user’s IP address is transmitted to the US server, where the IP address is considered as personal data.
Now the issue with Publii themes is that they are using Google Fonts through he CDN and of course the IP address is transmitted right away when opening a Publii page without any chance to show a consent banner before this happens.
I don’t want to discuss the sense of this stupid judgement – but it has been made.
Is there already a possibility to embed Google fonts locally in the themes? If not is there a patch planned to no longer download the Google fonts through the CDNs?
BTW: We have a similar issue with Disquss, but at least Disquss is not loaded right away, but after a delay when the user scrolls down – so this could be handled through a consent banner.