I am using the Square theme and want to make a simple list of posts on the left side. Basically make my own post feed. Can anyone point me in the right direction for implementing this? Happy to go through the docs but honestly not sure where to start. Is this a case of editing the theme or is there a layer on top for modifications to be done properly so as to support theme updates?
Do folks store theme/site source in Git separate from the deployed site? I’m using Dropbox for the source content so multiple computers work correctly, but what about the correct way to manage theme edits or additions as I’ve outlined?
If this is all documented a link would be great! Cheers
I just got started and so far, really digging Publii. Great work. It fits in the exact spot you are aiming at – lighter and simpler than WordPress, Squarespace, and most every other blogging platform. But compared to Jekyll it’s soooo nice. I just want to write stuff and not think about Markdown. Thanks for building this!