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Make the inline style editor as an option

  • #1098
    Avatar photo[anonymous]


    I think for advance user this tool could be removed, as it slows the app a little bit. And sometimes it shows up hiding the text.
    So maybe a button in the header to disconnect it ?


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    At this moment we have no plans for such feature. It is a first time when such type of request appears. If more people will ask for it – we will consider such option.

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    [anonymous] wrote:

    sometimes it shows up hiding the text

    It does many times. Quite irritating actually. However, the inline editor has its own importance,

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    Personally, what irritates me a bit, it that the Link-button shows a different dialog when accessed from the Tooltip, than when accessed from the menu above. I think this was something temporary when the tooltip was created, but should be fixed.

    Avatar photoBob

    @Mathias We will change it in the first stable release.

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