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Menu not visible

  • #1259
    Avatar photo[anonymous]

    Hello Publii developers!

    I’m tinkering a little bit with Publii in order to decide if I’m going to use it for my next websites.

    When trying out the default theme and the theme Tattoo I notice that every time the menu (navbar) is hidden.

    This despite the fact that I have made a menu with two menu items (posts).

    Is there something that I have to do in order to have the menu appear?

    The first impression of this CMS is great despite the above problem!

    Yours sincerely,


    Avatar photoBob

    I think you forgot to assign your menu to the “Main menu” position.


    Avatar photo[anonymous]

    Hello Bob,

    Thank you very much! Yes, that was it! I do see the menu now!

    I think that I will use Publii for my next projects!

    Thank you for your quick reply!
