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Mercury theme logo placement broken for mobile phones
Hello. I’ve been using an older version of mercury theme on my website. I upgraded to the latest release 2.2.0 but it has broken how the logo is placed. When checked in phone mode, the logo overlaps the title of the website. When opened on a desktop, the logo becomes really small. Can someone please suggest a fix?
The old website works properly which was based on Mercury v1.6.10.0 . Now I”m trying out Mercury as I wanted to use it. But that has this problem. If you just upload a logo to the Mercury theme and check in phone mode, you’ll see the issue. I’ve also shared my input folder which has the settings and logo.
The logo should not be larger than the menu bar, so this is why it is 4 rem high and only to the tablet size. On the bigger devices, it will work as before.
You want to make it a little bit bigger, so try increasing the logo size to, for example: 4.5rem
Thanks that worked for mobile device. But on the full screen size, the logo is still smaller than the size I see with the older version. In the older version, the computed logo size for big screen is 300×200. In the new version it’s quite smaller.