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Nest page urls / sitemap

  • #8134
    Avatar photo[anonymous]

    I have some articles which fall under a category (tag). This category (tag) has its own overview page. with information about the topic. Then I have the article about this category at I would prefer if this were, is this possible?

    The same applies to the sitemap, right now each page is on the same level, could I have my articles nested under their category (tag)?

    Avatar photo[anonymous]
    [anonymous] wrote:

    Hi, the easiest way I can think of to do that is to upload those articles manually in publii/webssitename/input/root-files (you should also include the index that lists the articles in the tag) and then modify the sitemap.

    Ideally, you should copy the folders generated in the output that contain the index of the articles, then hide or delete them in publii.

    If you want a slug that is you should go to the folder input/root-files and create a new folder called category and inside this folder paste the folder containing the index of the article you copied from the output.

    I don’t know if there is a quicker or easier way to do this.