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Publii on MX Linux?

  • #1191
    Avatar photo[anonymous]

    Hi all,

    My first post here. I’ve been trying to install Publii in MX Linux several times.

    I tried  both the.deb and the Appimage, no results. MX Linux is a Debian based Linux and, according to Distrowatch,  it is the most popular distribution at the moment and it has been so for over a year.

    Can anyone shed some light on this? I’ve read the thread about Publii on Linux Mint, another Debian based distro. Apparently same problems as I am experiencing.

    Alternatively, are there any plans to make Publii available as a S.a.a.S , e.g. “Publii Cloud”?

    Oh, and happy new year to all of you!

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    I have the same on Deepin, also Debian based. It is installed, but does not start.

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    Thank you for your reply.

    We can now start a group “Victims of Publii” 🙂

    Seriously, I hope someone can report they have Publii running as a .deb or an Appimage.

    I would love to give Publii a try…

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    I am not a linux expert, but I suppose that it can be connected with the problem described here:

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    Just a quick update: Publii is up and running (beautifully) on my MX linux computer.

    After upgrading MX Linux to the latest monthly build, the .deb was installed without any problems.

    I could not get the Appimage to run.

    Thanks for your help Tomasz!