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Recommendation for building “non blog” landing pages?

  • #9027
    Avatar photo[anonymous]

    Hi all.

    I’m coming from the WordPress world, and one thing I am struggling with Publii is HOW to build a landing page.

    By this, I mean a page with some or all of the following features:

    • No author or tag info shown on the page – preferably not connected to author or tag at all)
    • No logo &/or menu showing on the page (or at least, not one showing at the top of the page)
    • Hidden from tags, authors pages
    • Ability to embed lead capture forms in them (ex: )
    • Ability to turn OFF a sidebar (this is a biggie)

    I do a LOT of lead generation landing pages in WP, aside from blog posts (which Publii does a great job of), and I can’t figure out an easy way to duplicate this functionality, even with some of the paid themes.

    Blog posts are great for content, but not ideal for lead generation.

    Thanks in advance for any help in figuring this out.


    PS: If there are any paid themes that can do all of the above, I’d appreciate any recommendations.

    Avatar photo[anonymous]

    You can hide tags, author name, date, etc. for each individual post under “Other options” when editing. You can also hide a post from tag & author pages easily by checking “Hide post” and “Exclude from homepage”.

    But I think that’s the limit of what you can achieve simply by changing settings in the GUI. To hide the logo and the sidebar you’ll want to create a custom post template for your landing pages. Just copy over your existing post template and delete the unwanted elements. Your template should automatically become selectable in the post editor.

    Avatar photoBob

    Publii needs at least two elements: a homepage and a post. Other functionality (elements/pages like tags, authors etc…) can be disabled by setting the false flag in the config.json file exactly for elements contained in the Renderer and supportedFeatures sections:

    renderer": {
            "relatedPostsNumber": 5,
            "renderRelatedPosts": false,
            "renderSimilarPosts": false,
            "renderPrevNextPosts": false,
            "createContentStructure": false,
            "includeFeaturedInPosts": false,
            "tagsIncludeFeaturedInPosts": false,
            "authorsIncludeFeaturedInPosts": false,
            "featuredPostsNumber": 0,
            "tagsFeaturedPostsNumber": 0,
            "authorsFeaturedPostsNumber": 0,
            "create404page": false,
            "createSearchPage": false,
            "createAuthorPages": false,
            "createTagPages": false,
            "includeHandlebarsInHelpers": false
    "supportedFeatures": {
            "authorImages": false,
            "authorPages": false,
            "blockEditor": false,
            "customComments": false,
            "customSearch": false,
            "errorPage": false,
            "embedConsents": false,
            "searchPage": false,
            "tagImages": false,
            "tagPages": false,
            "tagsList": false

    More about it can be found in Dev docs: