I lost a huge article I had written in another editor due to my clumsiness of overwriting it.
I wish I had saved it as a draft in publii, my bad,
I have to use another editor to write my post because there I can set my own font-family, font-size, font-color, letter and word spacing and background color so that I get totally immersed in writing in the best way possible.
For example, I prefer a thinner font like Source Sans Pro while writing than the default heavy white mac Helvetica font, which is there in the Publii editor.
And also a little duller color than full white for the text. And also use a little greyer background as it is easier to read text on it while writing than dark black in the dark mode.
So could you please provide support to set these if possible in the Publii editor so I can write directly in publii at my best readability settings. It will be so useful for editing the posts too.
For example the visual wordpress editor loads the wordpress theme, so all our own font and readability settings on the site can be used in the editor too. Or we can use front-end wordpress editors like editus to write in the same readability as our theme.
It will become a full-fledged word processor.
Either as an option in publii or as a plugin is fine for me for this one. Thanks.