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Simple Theme – enabled search, but search field does not accept text

  • #9552
    Avatar photo[anonymous]

    So I am working with the default theme (Simple and I am using the Google browser.  I have enabled the search and search subpages in the theme settings.  Saving and previewing shows the search button.  When I click the button the search overlay is displayed (I have verified this by inspecting the page and it is visually apparent).  However the overlay does not seem to have any content (i.e. there is no text input box or a search button).

    Is this just an undeveloped part of the theme or is the theme broken or perhaps is my experience not typical.


    Edit: I noticed that the feature was working on the theme that is hosted on Publii’s main site, so I downloaded it and replaced the one on my personal site.  Still no joy.

    Avatar photo[anonymous]

    Once installed and set up, the Static Search feature usually works just fine.

    So you’ve invested in superb ‘Static Search’ plugin from: , installed and configured the plugin as you want.

    In Publii > Tools & Plugins > Static Search, you’ll have turned that on, clicked the plugin button to open up the ‘Static Search’ settings page, and configured your settings, yes?

    To recap, the Static Search plugin is quite powerful so have a range of settings you can configure. The documentation is at:

    Initial thoughts: maybe double-check your setups.

    Which version of Static Search plugin are you using? At the time of writing, the latest is v1.2.0.