So, I have noticed a bug or I should say one unnecessary thing that whenever you change the language of your website from site setting, publii translate the date format of sitemap.
And this thing give error in google search console.
This is the error: Sitemap can be read, but has errors. Reason is invalid date format.
Only “lang” tag should be changed along with other theme specific elements but root files like sitemap should not get translated.
Sitemap XML (gyanchannel.com)
This is my sitemap link and you can clearly see it translated or changed the date format in Hindi language which is not readable by search console.
I tried troubleshooting but it didn’t work as expected.
I selected the language English so sitemap will be in English format. Then I actually modified the “lang” tag in the root directory but when I sync and upload the website, it does not work. It still shows hindi date format in the sitemap.
The whole point is sitemap must be kept in English langauge even if you change the site’s language.
So that it does not affect the sitemap in the search engine consoles. I tested with Bing too and it gave me the same error.
So, can you please make this small change in your next update where sitemap won’t get translated even if you change the site langauge.
Also, language list does not contain all the languages like Marathi is my native language and I want to create one site in this language but I don’t see it in the list. Likewise. Maybe you can add an option to edit the index page directly from the app for those who are programmers like me.
This will provide an advantage from a local SEO perspective.
It will be a big help for those who have website in regional or native language.
I know that you guys are already working on a lot of stuff and fixes but please consider this small fix as well.
Thank You!