Square Theme and follow buttons
February 10, 2022 at 9:19 pm #6895
Hi there,
which is the correct format about the URL i’ve to put in the follows boxes?
I’m getting some issues while the site domain has been added to the follows URL from any pages.
February 10, 2022 at 9:21 pm #6896[anonymous]
See attach and the red boxes
February 14, 2022 at 5:33 pm #6916[anonymous]
Can you share a screenshot of your Publii interface, showing what you put down as your Instagram link?
February 15, 2022 at 8:18 am #6921[anonymous]
I try many formats, btw regarding the screenshot attached i put the full URL “www.instagram.com/username” and “www.facebook.com/page_name”
February 19, 2022 at 5:31 am #6947[anonymous]
Can you check the footer.hbs file in your site’s “input > partials” folder and either paste the code, send a screenshot, or add it as an attachment to the reply?
March 2, 2022 at 7:35 pm #7004[anonymous]
Hi there, sorry for late.
here the code:
———————— START HERE——————————-
<footer class=”footer”>
{{#if @website.logo}}
{{> menu-footer menus.footerMenu}}
{{#if @config.custom.socialButtons}}
{{#if @config.custom.socialFooterFacebook}}
{{#if @config.custom.socialFacebook}}
<use xlink:href=”{{@website.assetsUrl}}/svg/svg-map.svg#facebook” />
{{#if @config.custom.socialFooterTwitter}}
{{#if @config.custom.socialTwitter}}
<use xlink:href=”{{@website.assetsUrl}}/svg/svg-map.svg#twitter” />
{{#if @config.custom.socialFooterInstagram}}
{{#if @config.custom.socialInstagram}}
<use xlink:href=”{{@website.assetsUrl}}/svg/svg-map.svg#instagram” />
{{#if @config.custom.socialFooterLinkedin}}
{{#if @config.custom.socialLinkedin}}
<use xlink:href=”{{@website.assetsUrl}}/svg/svg-map.svg#linkedin” />
{{#if @config.custom.socialFooterVimeo}}
{{#if @config.custom.socialVimeo}}
<use xlink:href=”{{@website.assetsUrl}}/svg/svg-map.svg#vimeo” />
{{#if @config.custom.socialFooterPinterest}}
{{#if @config.custom.socialPinterest}}
<use xlink:href=”{{@website.assetsUrl}}/svg/svg-map.svg#pinterest” />
{{#if @config.custom.socialFooterYoutube}}
{{#if @config.custom.socialYoutube}}
<use xlink:href=”{{@website.assetsUrl}}/svg/svg-map.svg#youtube” />
{{#if @config.custom.copyrightText}}
<script defer src=”{{js “jquery-3.2.1.slim.min.js”}}”></script>
<script defer src=”{{js “scripts.min.js”}}”></script>
{{#is “post”}}
{{#if hasGallery}}
{{> photoswipe}}
{{#checkIf @config.custom.frontSource ‘==’ “post”}}
{{#checkIf @config.custom.frontGallery ‘==’ true}}
{{#is “index”}}
{{> photoswipe}}
{{#checkIfAny @config.custom.frontCommentCount @config.custom.tagCommentCount @config.custom.authorCommentCount @config.post.displayCommentCount}}
<script id=”dsq-count-scr” src=”https://{{@config.custom.commentDisqusShortname}}.disqus.com/count.js” async></script>
{{#if @renderer.previewMode}}
<script defer src=”{{js “svg2js.js”}}”></script>
<script defer src=”{{js “svg-fix.js”}}”></script>
{{{ publiiFooter }}}
</html>—————————-END HERE————————————
Thanks !
March 3, 2022 at 3:35 am #7005[anonymous]
The code looks fine… I’m not sure why you’re having this issue. Hopefully @Bob or one of the devs can help you. You could also try the GitHub issues if you don’t hesr back
April 14, 2022 at 4:44 pm #7266[anonymous]
Hey! I ran into a similar issue when I added an external link to my header nav. I fixed it by making sure there was “https” before my URL. Try it and see if it works.
April 15, 2022 at 3:39 pm #7282[anonymous]
[anonymous] wrote:Hey! I ran into a similar issue when I added an external link to my header nav. I fixed it by making sure there was “https” before my URL. Try it and see if it works.
Hi there! It works! 🙂
Thanks a lot!