Static Homepage Saparate Blog Link
June 11, 2022 at 9:06 am #7564
I see an option to set the homepage to a specific post. However, is there also a way to link to a page that will display blog posts, so I can link to it wit ‘Blog’ in the menu?
June 11, 2022 at 9:37 am #7565[anonymous]
Helps if you can say which theme you’re using first.
June 12, 2022 at 2:01 am #7571[anonymous]
I am currently building a test website with two themes.
1). The default ‘Simple’ theme
2). The Technews theme
Apologies if I asked a malformed question. I assumed there would be a general setting/process for this kind of thing.
June 12, 2022 at 5:42 pm #7572[anonymous]
Sure, no problem: just helps to get some info on the themes you’re using.
All the Publii themes at are easily adaptable for use as blog websites or standard websites.
For the Simple theme, in Publii > Theme Settings > Custom settings > Layout > Front page, you can choose whether you want to make the home page a single page (Selected post) or samples of multiple pages (Latest posts) — which essentially is the traditional blog format.
One way to meet your particular preference, for the Front page, you could choose ‘Selected post’ — choose what you want to put on the post that will make up your Front page. Next, under Tags, create a new tag and call it, say, Blog. Then, for each one of your existing posts, add the tag called ‘Blog’. Finally, create a button name on your navigation menu and just call it ‘Blog’, and for the ‘Type’, choose ‘Tag link’. And for ‘Tag page’, you would choose ‘Blog’. When you save your changes and preview your site, choose Blog from your nav menu, and your blog entries should appear listed. That’s one simple approach. But of course, you can have different tag names to cover different aspects of your blog.
In the Simple theme demo at: , you can check out the tag names they use on the page, including the number of demo pages that use each tag at:
You can use a similar approach for the Technews theme though with a radically different look and feel already determined by the design of the Technews theme. You can create different tags for your blog posts, and then apply those to the navigation menu, either all under a single ‘Blog’ button / link, with various submenu links, or use several top-level buttons / link names (depending on what you name your different tags).
The Technews demo at: shows a great way to do it. On pages that show collections of posts, the tag names are shown overlaid on each post picture with white text on orange, blue, and black backgrounds.
June 12, 2022 at 10:15 pm #7574[anonymous]
Thanks for taking the time to explain this itips3727. I’ll be playing around with the sites today, and I’ll definitely check it out.
One thing I’ll comment on right away is I wonder what the implications of this will be for SEO. As far as I understand it, Google isn’t a fan of ranking any pages that are generated as a tag. Although this is generally with WordPress and the way WordPress handles tags. But then again, WordPress doesn’t add tags to a sitemap as far as I understand. I am assuming (without checking) at this point that these tag pages will be added to the sitemap by Publii. If not, well that’s definitely a problem.
Anyway, I’ll definitely take a look at al this today. Thanks again for your help. Much appreciated.
June 13, 2022 at 3:29 pm #7575[anonymous]
I’ve never noticed any problem with Google not ranking tag list pages (or any other Publii-generated pages that are set for indexing). In the Publii theme settings, there are usually default settings, guide links, etc., that you can follow if you choose. Plus, of course the docs for users at: and developers at:
Also, some helpful hints and tips in the Publii blog at:
It’s not usually possible to check various Publii demo pages as they’re probably set for noindex, nofollow. But live sites should show up well when configured correctly using only the Publii settings. Though I suggest, of course do make sure you’re using https:// not http:// and definitely running both live at the same time.
June 13, 2022 at 9:46 pm #7576[anonymous]
No worries <span class=”f-author-name”>itips3727</span>. Thanks for your help.
But don’t you mean ‘not’ running both at the same time? I always ensure all my https pages redirect to https.
BTW the main reason I want to use Publii is so I can upload my sites to IPFS as well.
One unrelated question. I have ‘Notify me of follow-up replies via email’ set below, but I am not getting the emails. Am I missing something?
June 13, 2022 at 11:44 pm #7577[anonymous]
[anonymous] wrote:No worries <span class=”f-author-name”>itips3727</span>. Thanks for your help.
But don’t you mean ‘not’ running both at the same time? I always ensure all my https pages redirect to https.
BTW the main reason I want to use Publii is so I can upload my sites to IPFS as well.
One unrelated question. I have ‘Notify me of follow-up replies via email’ set below, but I am not getting the emails. Am I missing something?
About your second line above, yes, sorry: my typo mistake. So best to just use https://.
Publii and IPFS = a good fit.
Usually, ‘Notify me …’ is turned on by default. I’m receiving the emails my end, so the feature looks like it’s working normally. Perhaps check your email Sp*am bin or email settings in your server (if necessary SPF, DMARC, etc).