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Suggestion for the Block editor

  • #11482
    Avatar photo[anonymous]


    I was wandering if wouldn’t be a good solution to add 2 types of blocks in the Block editor:

    1. wysywyg block
    2. markdown block

    I think it would be more convenient than having every post tied to a specific editor and have all the advantages on one single interface.

    If someone likes the wysywyg will just use one block for the entire post, and the same for MD lovers and Block editor lovers…

    Just a thought that came to my mind…

    Happy new year to all the Publii community!

    Avatar photo[anonymous]

    That would be great! 🙂

    Avatar photo[anonymous]

    Since we are on the subject –

    I use wordpress in another life.  It of course has a block editor (Gutenberg) which has a rich third party ecosystem of block plugins.  I imagine a plugin system is not a slam dunk, but I would love to see something like that in Publii some day.
