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Support for Azure Storage account

  • #2361
    Avatar photo[anonymous]


    Firstly, great CMS; one of the simplest and enjoyable CMS’ I’ve used in a long time!

    I host my content using Azure Storage accounts with the static web site feature enabled. It’s great to see several different protocols to directly upload via Publii. Are there plans to also integrate support Azure Storage accounts (blob/container) to upload content directly from Publii?

    At the moment, I manually have to upload my updated content, which is fine but can be a hassle when there’s multiple changes a day.


    Avatar photo[anonymous]


    We have plans to add some more deployment methods in the future, but it will be added as a separate plugins, as usually new deployment methods requires big libraries which makes Publii heavier and heavier 🙂

    Avatar photo[anonymous]

    Appreciate the reply Tomasz and looking forward to seeing this in the future.
