I inserted the Facebook SVG icon in my post (Block Editor, HTML Block) using the same code as the Social Media share buttons in footer.hbs.
The icon would render correctly in preview
<svg viewBox="0 0 32 32">
<path d="M30.234 0H1.766A1.766 1.766 0 0 0 0 1.766v28.468A1.766 1.766 0 0 0 1.766 32h15.326V19.608h-4.17v-4.83h4.17v-3.56c0-4.134 2.524-6.385 6.21-6.385a34.216 34.216 0 0 1 3.727.19v4.32h-2.557c-2.005 0-2.394.953-2.394 2.35v3.084h4.78l-.622 4.83h-4.16V32h8.154A1.766 1.766 0 0 0 32 30.234V1.766A1.766 1.766 0 0 0 30.234 0z"></path>
However, when sync to website, the handlebar codes remained unrendered
<svg><use xlink:href="{{@website.assetsUrl}}/svg/svg-map.svg#facebook"></use></svg>