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Synchronisation between Desktops

  • #6173
    Avatar photo[anonymous]

    Are there any ways or plans to add synchronisation between Desktops? it could be as simple as allowing all content, settings and configuration stored on Dropbox / Google Drive / Nextcloud … so all projects can be accessed from different Desktops. Has Anybody tried that yet?

    Avatar photo[anonymous]
    Avatar photo[anonymous]

    Does anyone know if this is possible with OneDrive instead of Dropbox? Has anyone done it with OneDrive?

    On my Windows PC my Documents folder is already mapped to OneDrive by default and I see a Publii folder in there already. So I’m guessing that’s a start?

    Avatar photo[anonymous]

    This should be possible with every syncing software, but you should use the same user name on all computers to have the same path everywhere, otherwise Publii may not start unless you manually edit its config file.

    Avatar photo[anonymous]
    [anonymous] wrote:

    Actually this is already possible:

    Any tutorial on how to do this with iCloud?