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THEME SQUARE: Keeping the hero text but having selected post on front page

  • #6586
    Avatar photo[anonymous]


    I’d like to keep the hero text and have a selected post on front page. Is this possible, and how will I achieve this?

    Right now if I select a post from Theme setting the front page hero text will be replaced with that post topic, date and author.

    I’m using the square theme.

    Avatar photoBob

    You have to “mix” two files: index.hbs and /partials/frontpage-post.hbs (‎(Documents ▸ ⁨Publii⁩ ▸ ⁨sites⁩ ▸ ⁨YOUR_SITE ▸ ⁨input⁩ ▸ ⁨themes⁩ ▸ ⁨YOUR_THEME)
    Open the index.hbs file and copy the main__left section:

    <div class="main__left">
       {{#if @config.custom.uploadHero}}
          <figure class="hero">
                   {{responsiveImageAttributes @config.custom.uploadHero}}
                {{ lazyload "eager" }}
                {{imageDimensions @config.custom.uploadHero}}
             {{#if @config.custom.uploadHeroCaption}}
                <figcaption class="hero__caption">

    and paste it in place of the same section in the frontpage-post.hbs file.
    It should work.

    To preserve your custom code and prevent it being overwritten the next time the theme is updated, please ensure that you have created override files; these are, essentially, copies of the existing theme files that are stored separately from the main theme files

    Avatar photo[anonymous]

    That seems to work! Thank you very much 😊