You have to “mix” two files: index.hbs and /partials/frontpage-post.hbs ((Documents ▸ Publii ▸ sites ▸ YOUR_SITE ▸ input ▸ themes ▸ YOUR_THEME)
Open the index.hbs file and copy the main__left section:
<div class="main__left">
{{#if @config.custom.uploadHero}}
<figure class="hero">
{{responsiveImageAttributes @config.custom.uploadHero}}
{{ lazyload "eager" }}
{{imageDimensions @config.custom.uploadHero}}
{{#if @config.custom.uploadHeroCaption}}
<figcaption class="hero__caption">
and paste it in place of the same section in the frontpage-post.hbs file.
It should work.
To preserve your custom code and prevent it being overwritten the next time the theme is updated, please ensure that you have created override files; these are, essentially, copies of the existing theme files that are stored separately from the main theme files →