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We don’t need no stinking badges! – Oh yes we do!!

  • #8455
    Avatar photo[anonymous]

    And while I am working on several sties using Publii, none have been published yet. I learned a long time ago, do not put up a website that does not have content and I am not just there yet.

    That said, I am proud to be using Publii. I would to show my pride and link back to your site.

    That said, I am suggesting creating badges, logos, or script text – like your existing logo – and perhaps a feature to include them into a footer within a template. You can also offer paragraph/text such as “Proudly created with Publii.”, or “I love Publii.” You can create the option of linking back to the Publii website or not. Yes. I could do this on my own, however, making it a part of the product feature set, non-technical users could simply flip a switch and selecting options and wha-la. Done.

    I know many users would love this +plus+ it is good for branding.

    I know I would be taking advantage of this feature.
