The compatibility of themes across different CMS platforms like Jekyll, Hugo, Grav, Typemill, and others with Publii is contingent on the theming structure and technology used. Since Publii themes are built using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Handlebars templates, themes from other CMS platforms that use similar technologies, especially Handlebars (like Ghost), can be adapted for use with Publii.
For example, I am currently in the process of porting a free Hugo theme to Publii, which I plan to release soon. The main task when adapting a theme to work with Publii is to ensure that it fits within Publii’s theming architecture. If you have an HTML version of the theme, the process is significantly simpler as it primarily involves integrating Publii’s specific Handlebars helpers and structure.
To accomplish this, you will need to familiarize yourself with Publii’s theme structure, which is well-documented in our official documentation. By understanding the documentation and applying the necessary modifications, virtually any theme can be adapted for Publii with some work.