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wyswyg editor feedback / request

  • #5230
    Avatar photo[anonymous]

    Medium / Ghost / WP cms user here. I love Publii and trying to learn as much as I can about it.

    Can you do something with the wyswyg editor to work a bit more fluently just like the ghost/wordpress old editor or editor?

    Somehow I found it hard and time consuming to use it. I don’t know whats my real problem here, I just feel its not behaving as it would be. I tried the block editor (didnt like it since guttenberg/wp), and slowly learning markdown as a plan B.

    As a perfect example check editor, its so fluid and friendly to use it and helping you to connect external things easily.

    If you can explain to me why the blockquote is working in a way, (like its blockquoting all texts or nothing) and what should I do about it, I would be thankful.


    Avatar photo[anonymous]

    Yes. The editor is somewhat limited to some others, however, it is pretty standard otherwise.

    Does this help?