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adding custom button to tinymce

  • #9852
    Avatar photo[anonymous]


    How would I go about adding my own button that would either prompt for input and then drop a modified text of that into the editor, or modify a selected text?

    I tried the basic example of:

      selector: "textarea",
      setup: function (editor) {
        editor.ui.registry.addButton("customInsertButton", {
          text: "My Button",
          onAction: function (_) {
            editor.insertContent(" It's my button! ");

    to get a button added at all; I’ve put that into the “simple” themes tinymce.script.js and added:

    "extensions": {
        "postEditorConfigOverride": false,
        "postEditorCustomScript": true

    to the config.json in the simple themes config.json, afterwards I restarted publii, but there is no custom button in any of the editors, the docs don’t mention any example for the tinymce.script.js either, so how would I go about doing this?


    Avatar photo[anonymous]

    Perhaps you should look at: Template plugin | Docs | TinyMCE. It’s not comfortable like a button, but it’s works

    Avatar photo[anonymous]

    I’m curious about this as well. I was able to get JS to execute but wasn’t able to hook into the editor using similar code.

      selector: '#editor',
      toolbar: 'myCustomToolbarButton',
      setup: function (editor) {
        editor.ui.registry.addButton('myCustomToolbarButton', {
          text: 'My Custom Button',
          onAction: function () {
            alert('Button clicked!');