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Adding downloadable menu items

  • #11624
    Avatar photo[anonymous]

    Hey all!

    I would like to add a menu item which is directly downloadable. Like if I want to insert a link to a normal post. There I can choose “Select link type: File from File Manager” and select a file from the file manager. At the moment I do this with an internal link directly to the file. It’s okay, but if I change the specific file in the future, I have to change the menu item, too.

    Maybe it could be useful for other users too and you can put this feature in future to Publii.

    Avatar photo[anonymous]
    Interesting idea!
    mario-ff wrote:

    It’s okay, but if I change the specific file in the future, I have to change the menu item, too.

    Wouldn’t this be the case even if you were able to select a file from the File Manager?

    Avatar photo[anonymous]

    Oh yes, it would! Maybe there could be a check-routine to prevent deleting linked files.
    My thought about it was to rename or even to delete files directly from the server without using the File Manager. Didn’t think about that the File Manager could produce the same error.