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Anyone has a previous version of Publii (0.42) for linux?

  • #11030
    Avatar photo[anonymous]

    Please share if you have Publii 0.42 or a little earlier – deb file or appimage.

    I get a Java error with the two latest available releases of Publii 0.44 & 0.43.1 (my GLIBC is not 2.33 but 2.31) so I can’t update my website which I have to do daily. There’s that option to compile from source code but apparently my skills are inadequte for the task 🙂

    Avatar photoBob

    You can download it from our CDN:

    Avatar photo[anonymous]

    Thank you so much Bob!! Have a nice day!
    Guess I’ll wait for another fix or until my OS updates GLIBC