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Blog or dynamic website using Cloudflare pages

  • #10428
    Avatar photo[anonymous]

    Can we make a dynamic website aka blog using cloudflare pages and publii?

    I have already integrated netlify with publii for my main blog and the setup was easy and the website is also working fine.

    Here is my main website: Freestyle Blogger

    I’ve tested blog or dynamic website with almost every server using publii docs except ftp, and all worked without major errors.

    Cloudflare pages also worked fine and even used cloudflare free domain too but it’s only for single page aka home page.

    When I tried to navigate to blog and other articles section, it didn’t work.

    It just navigated to github pages insted of cloudflare pages sub directory.

    Here is the site I was testing: Publii CMS

    So my conclusion is we can’t create multipage website and blog with cloudflare pages and publii.

    But we can create single page website.

    And if I’m making mistake here, please tell me how I can create a blog or dynamic website using Cloudflare pages with publii cms.

    Eagerly waiting for a good reply.

    Thank you.

    Avatar photo[anonymous]

    I have a static site and it seems to be working fine with Cloudflare.

    I have written the following article.

    Publii on Cloudflare without Github

    I would like to know what the server settings are for Publii.

    I hope it will be helpful.

    Thank you.

    Avatar photo[anonymous]


    I have two questions regarding this.

    1. How to use manual server of Publii that you shared?
    2. Which server are you using for your website?

    Can you tell me?


    Avatar photo[anonymous]

    Thank you for your reply.

    1. Please refer to the attached image.13
    2. I am not using a web server. I only use Cloudflare pages.

    Now I can publish in 2 steps.

    • Press the “Sync your website” button
    • Click “deploy.bat” written by myself
    echo on
    npx wrangler pages deploy output

    If you have any questions, feel free to ask

    Thank you