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Bug: On older Pages all the options in “Paragraph” can not be applied.

  • #7357
    Avatar photo[anonymous]

    All the options on the “Paragraph” Combo box are disabled when you for example want to highlight something, Those Pages were created in an older Version of Publii.

    The paragraphs are originally “div” blocks.

    There is a Workaround by directly edit <p class=”msg msg–highlight “> in the HTML Editor, but this is annoying…

    Avatar photoBob

    Look into a config.json file ‎⁨(Documents ▸ ⁨Publii⁩ ▸ ⁨sites⁩ ▸ ⁨YOUR_SITE ▸ ⁨input⁩ ▸ ⁨themes⁩ ▸ ⁨YOUR_THEME) and edit the custom elements by adding an additional selector e.g. div. This way, the paragraph options will also affect DIV elements in the post body.

        "label": "Info",
        "cssClasses": "msg msg--info",
        "selector": "p,div"
        "label": "Highlight",
        "cssClasses": "msg msg--highlight ",
        "selector": "p,div"