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“Custom” Theme Not Appearing on the Install List

  • #3613
    Avatar photo[anonymous]

    Hey people,

    My “custom” (copied and modified marketplace) template isn’t appearing in the Site Settings > Install & Use list anymore.  I’ve been playing around with for weeks and haven’t had this happen.  The folder is all lowercase like all the other themes, OneDrive is closed, the config’s name, version, website are changed, and the .lang file is renamed to match.  I removed every theme, zipped it, and installed via the Themes menu.  The folder is extracted to the themes folder, but it doesn’t appear anywhere.  I do close and restart Publii after every change as well.

    Is there something wrong with the config file?

        "name": "TestGallery",
        "version": "",
        "author": "John <>",
        "renderer": {
            "relatedPostsNumber": 9,
            "renderRelatedPosts": true,
            "renderSimilarPosts": true,
            "renderPrevNextPosts": false,
            "createContentStructure": true,
            "includeFeaturedInPosts": false,
            "tagsIncludeFeaturedInPosts": true,
            "authorsIncludeFeaturedInPosts": false,
            "featuredPostsNumber": -1,
            "tagsFeaturedPostsNumber": 0,
            "authorsFeaturedPostsNumber": 0,
            "create404page": true,
            "createSearchPage": false,
            "customHTML": {
                "afterPost": "After every post"

    I’ve refrained from asking because I feel like the answer is right in my face.


    Avatar photo[anonymous]

    Fixed.  I forgot a comma…