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Deleted theme, can’t reinstall same theme – no error message, says “updated”

  • #10725
    Avatar photo[anonymous]

    I downloaded a theme from the marketplace, successfully installed it and started using it. I discovered a few problems with it so I unzipped the original file, made some CSS modifications, and then rezipped it without changing the name or version number. I tried to import my new zip file and it says “Theme has been successfully updated.” The problem is, the theme doesn’t show up in the list of themes on the Install Theme page and also, my changes didn’t get imported. I still have the theme listed in my dropdown menu and it’s still selected and working, but the changes I made haven’t been imported and the theme still doesn’t show up on my “Install Theme” page.

    Any ideas what I might be doing wrong? I’m using version 0.43.0 (build 16368).

    Avatar photo[anonymous]


    Themes are recognised by name, so if you upload the same theme name with the same version then it will replace the existing one