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Does Publii only render certain pages or can I add one?

  • #10721
    Avatar photo[anonymous]

    I created an articles.hbs page using parts of tags and tag,hbs. I would like to have this page rendered using a pretty url just like a post. I am familiar with the various .json files, but not sure how to proceed from here or if I can. I did not see a clear way in the docs.

    Is it possible to have my articles.hbs page rendered?

    If not, this would be a powerful feature to add in the next release or so.


    Avatar photoBob

    It’s not. But…:)

    Create a post template ( using the content from your `article.hbs` file and assign it to a hidden post. This will make the post a static page with your custom content.

    Avatar photo[anonymous]

    Great advice! I got it.

    Thank You – for the fast reply on a Sunday.

    Could we make this an option for later??

    In my case, it is just about a dozen articles in three categories, tenant, consumer, and landlord. I thought I would in effect tighten up the whole tag and article thing into one page and forget tags/tag pages altogether. I thought it would be a cleaner solution for my situation.

    The whole thing is still a work in process… Please forgive the errors in the relational pages. Still it is nice. It was primarily designed for mobile since tenants almost always search for apartments and houses using mobile. It is vary rare that a desktop is used.
