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Follow buttons, share buttons and footer issue with the portfolio theme

  • #7994
    Avatar photo[anonymous]

    Hi everyone !

    I’m experiencing an issue with the portfolio theme on my website.
    Neither the follow buttons, share buttons or footer are working.
    They do appear when I preview my website, but they don’t appear when I sync it. I don’t understand why.

    Both the theme and the Publii app are up to date.

    Any idea on how to fix this ?

    Thank you.

    Avatar photoBob

    Check the protocol you are using, most likely, you have set HTTPS, but your site is using HTTP or vice versa.

    Avatar photo[anonymous]

    I checked, I’m using the right protocol, https.

    Avatar photoBob

    Any URL?

    Avatar photo[anonymous]

    Yes ! Here you go

    Thank you.

    Avatar photoBob

    There is a problem,  becasue your site URL uses www, but the assets no-www.
    Change the URL in the server settings from to

    Avatar photo[anonymous]

    It worked ! Thank you very much for your help and quick answers 🙂