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Help me restore my sites after I stupidly erased some stuff!

  • #6535
    Avatar photo[anonymous]

    I use Publii for four different sites. I had a problem with Site 1 and Site 2 yesterday. Publishing Site 1 yesterday worked, then I made another change and wanted to publish again but got an error that a particular output file already exists. I tried ignoring and publishing anyway as that has sometimes worked in the past but not yesterday. Kept getting the error about two or three different files that supposedly already exist.

    I went into the directory where the file was and deleted it. That didn’t help. After some more ill-advised fiddling, I decided I’d better leave things as they are and used the back-up tool to restore Site 1. I noticed too late that I actually was viewing Site 2 when I clicked restore the back-up file for Site 1. The restore seemed to fail anyway because nothing ever happened, but now it seems I have lost both site 1 and site 2. I still have back-up files for both.

    How can I restore my sites to the state of the previous backup? I’m getting in a mess between creating/naming folders in the back up directory and creating a site in the publii interface as it tells me the site already exists, but I can’t access it in the publii interface.

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    If you have backup files you can also try just unpack them (backup files) to the specific site folder – then you should get site in the state from backup file.

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    Thanks, I’ve managed to restore them now. The problem was that the sites no longer existed in the interface, but did still have folders in the back up directory. As there was nothing in the interface, I couldn’t access the back-up files to restore the sites. Publii wouldn’t let me re-create the sites saying they already existed, even after I deleted the folders in the back-up directory. So I created new sites with new names, then created the relevant folders in the back-up directory and copied the back-up files into the relevant folders. From there I was then able to use the back up tool in the publii interface to restore sites to the state of most recent back up.