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How to override the JSonLD ?

  • #4774
    Avatar photo[anonymous]

    When I generate my website it say I’m an organization

    but I would like to be a Person
    how could I change this ?
    Avatar photoBob

    There is no way to override it, all you can do is delete the {{jsonLD}} element (helper) from the head.hbs and insert your code manually. To simplify the work you can use JSON-LD Schema Generator e.g.

    To preserve the custom code changed from being overwritten the next time your theme is updated, please make sure you have created override files, which are essentially copies of the existing theme files and are stored separately →

    Avatar photo[anonymous]

    Hi Bob;

    in the same kind of question, how I could publish post/recipe with the Recipes schema should I build a post template ?

    if yes what is the best way to do that 😉