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I’m stuck setting up Cloudflare pages

  • #10682
    Avatar photo[anonymous]

    I’m new to this and I’m trying to follow the instruction in this link:

    Which sends me to this link for setting up the Github repository:

    I made the access token and put the expiration to 90 days as in the example, but I’m not sure what that means. Is this token only needed once or does this mean that in 90 days updating my site won’t work anymore?

    Then I created a repository and the readme. Am I correct that I don’t need to follow the rest of the steps, since I don’t want to set up GitHub Pages but Cloudflare pages? When I go back to the first link, it says this:

    Your Cloudflare Pages website domain will usually default to,  so use this when setting-up your server details in Publii to ensure a smooth first sync. If you would prefer to use a custom domain name, you’ll find details of how to configure this later in this article.

    After setting up your GitHub repository, perform the first sync of your website to make sure that everything is working as it should; if the sync completes successfully, then you can move on to Cloudflare Pages configuration.

    I feel like some steps are missing here, where do I set up these server details and how do I perform the first sync?

    Avatar photo[anonymous]

    Alright it turns out I could just skip the step of setting up Github Pages and follow the instructions under ‘Syncing your Publii site with Github’, using instead of the GitHub URL, now everything works 🙂

    I still don’t understand the access token though, should I not have set an expiration date for it? Will Publii not be able to upload to Github in 90 days when the token expires?