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Javascript error as Publii opens, can’t access 4 sites…

  • #6068
    Avatar photo[anonymous]

    I can’t get into Publii because it barfs when loading one of my sites, complaining about a missing folder.

    If I close the message, I still have two zombie Publii processes running in task manager (windows). One is relatively easy to kill. The other one is really hard to kill, and I will have to logout/login to kill it. Then I will try removing the offending folder…

    Avatar photo[anonymous]


    Could you describe which error do you get during Publii loading process? Maybe you have some catalog which is not a Publii website?

    Avatar photo[anonymous]

    I don’t know what you mean by a catalog.

    Myself and a freelancer worked on a publii website separately. Following the guidance web page, I created a new structure to import their backup into my own site folder, but this did not work.

    Avatar photo[anonymous]

    It seems that for some reason your backup does not contain the media directory and the app is unable to create the media/X subcatalogs.